Android Screen Monitor – Projecting (Mirroring) Android Mobile Screen on Computer

You might have come across a situation where you are supposed to show mobile device screen on a desktop, laptop screens; may be at the time of demo or sharing updates with others.
There are some paid tools available in market which does the job however in this article, I am going to tell you about free android utility which helps you projecting mobile screen on the computer.

Name of the utility is Android Screen Monitor.


Android Screen Monitor:

The Android Screen Monitor (ASM) is an android tool to monitor mobile device screen on desktop or laptop.
ASM is an adb client, when it starts monitoring screen, ASM connects to adb on port 5037 and receives frame buffer continuously on the device or emulator and transfer image to your desktop screen.
ASM does provide features like Mobile screen rotation, Screen sizing & Image export.


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Mobile Apps Functional Testing & Automation Tutorials

Mobile Apps Functional Testing & Automation Tutorials

This Comprehensive Set of Tutorials Covers :

  • Mobile Applications Testing Basics :- Mobile Testing Challenges, Approach,  Types of Mobile Apps, Emulators v/s Simulators & Real Mobile,  User Agent Switcher, Google’s UI Automator Viewer etc.
  • Mobile Apps Automation Testing Tools Training & LIVE Demo :- Robotium (+Recorder), CATJS,  Selendroid, Appium, Borland Silk Mobile, TenKod EZ TestApp, Ranorex Studio, Experitest SeeTest etc.
  • Android Development Tools (ADT), Android Screen Monitor (ASM)



Mobile Applications Testing – Challenges & Approach, Strategy

Testing mobile applications is more complex, time consuming and costly process compared to traditional desktop and web applications testing as mobile applications need to be tested on various mobile devices and operating system under different network conditions.

In this technical article, I will explain various challenges involved in mobile applications testing.

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Selendroid v/s Appium : Mobile Application Test Automation Frameworks

Selendroid and Appium, both are open source mobile test automation framework offering great solution for mobile applications test automation using Selenium WebDriver. In this article, we are going to see the differences in these two great offering frameworks.

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Videos – An interactive communication medium, has changed the way of traditional teaching and learning now a days. According to the studies, learning through videos adds 55% to one’s understanding, leaving way behind all other modes of teaching or learning.

Highly convinced with the facts, I have chosen BEST way (Video Tutorials) of sharing knowledge through my Website, Blogs & Social Networking Sites.


eVideoTuition is one stop shop for high quality training and resources for your software testing and automation needs. eVideoTuition provides online software testing training for beginners as well as advanced level testers.

eVideoTuition offers online courses for QA Training with Quality Center / ALM training, Selenium Webdriver, Selendroid, Appium, Robotium, SeeTest Automation, Ranorex Studio, Borland Silk Mobile, TenKod EZ TestApp, CATJS, Tortoise SVN, Selenium TWIN, MS Excel, Mobile Apps Testing and Automation etc.


You can learn and master your skills in software testing and advance your career free of cost !!